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Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Gift of Touch

"And a one, two three, five six seven, one, two three, five six seven..." our instructor counted out the basic rhythm of Salsa as we in the class felt like contortionists trying to follow his directions When he demonstrated the moves, they looked as smooth as butter, but in our attempts we were off beat and stepping in opposite directions.  "Keep the connection--that is your communication tool as you dance; relax--feel the movement and respond..."  We still didn't get it, and us who were supposed to be relaxed and being led, kept trying to step out thinking we knew what we were supposed to do.  
So came the next instructions "Followers, close your eyes." 
Without sight, the sense of touch was highlighted-- I could feel everything. 
The beat of the music increased, the gentlest pressure on the shoulder was felt and the softest brush on the palm of the hand spoke of what the one leader was asking of me. I thought to myself "wow, I have not honestly allowed myself to feel the presence of others in a long time." When in Vancouver I offered to others to hold their hand when they were in they were sick and in the hospital, I gave hugs to women who were crying on the streets, I was happy to give, and yet not so willing to receive. I can't say I am any better now. One thing is for sure, that hour of being led with my eyes closed gave me a glimpse into the reason touch is one of the five major ways we receive love, and maybe why Jesus' touch had the power to heal.  I know the lesson is not yet over; I still find that there are some holds and moves that I resist.  Lord teach me the trust of dancing with my eyes closed through life, that I may truly see. 

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