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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I built a Sandcastle today...

I built a sandcastle, and then sat back and watched it wash away.  The process was slow but the out come was sure.  Having no foundation, and the reliable tide schedule was very effective in making sure that in just a few hours there was nothing left.  Familiarity with bible stories since my youth,  and a catchy tune, made sure that a certain parable came to mind.  "....the rains came down and the floods came up ...and the house on the sand went smash."
I also went to the Getty Villa with two friends on Monday.  We saw a lot of art and artifacts from the Greco-roman  era and a special collection of Byzantium art displaying early Christian depictions of belief and spirituality.  Trying to keep straight in my head the stories of Greek and other ancient gods such as Zeus, Athena, Artemis, Poseidon, and others; I was intrigued by how much belief was inscribed on everyday items of life.

What does the Getty Villa and a sand castle have in common? As I walked through the halls I remembered some of my more recent readings about how the ancient stories of gods and other stories influenced the times of the old testament, and then I built a sandcastle wondering what parts of my daily life are inscribed with stories of a false god? What will wash away in the rains of life and the floods of death? Where will the slice be when the sword of Truth has pierced through?  Will I have added to the lie in any part or will I have carved away and sculpted a life that is a vessel for Truth, worthy of the calling set before me? It is not a simple answer. for sand brick and stone are from similar materials under different conditions and wheat and tares grow close together.  I am just wondering...that's all.

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