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Monday, April 28, 2014

Life today...

        A lot has changed since the last time I posted anything on this blog. Though starting new seems like a good idea that's not really how life works; so I will just describe a little of life now so that when you read you can maybe picture or understand what I am saying easier. (though understanding me at all may be challenging since I like pictures and stories more than saying one thing in a direct way.)
       Today is a warm sunny day and even though it is the end of April it has been bright and warm for many months. That is one of the things about Long Beach, Ca. that I have been enjoying...the sun. How the light and sun have an effect on our physical, and emotional health, is more intricate than I have studied in order to understand all the whys, but the reality is, it does have a strong effect on me.  I have thanked God many times for allowing me to spend these months in a sunny place.  The same goes for the affects of The Son on us--The warmth of The Light being present, and growing in understanding of all the intricate ways True Light shines and effects us, amazes me.  I was reminded of this when I waited for the dawn on Easter morning.             Waiting for the Sun and the Son to dawn in my darkness.
       I read and study; and the more I study the more patience is required of me because I am learning how much I don't know, and that it is not yet time to know what I want to know.  (I am speaking of reality and in analogy at this point) "Khau hswe" a basic Burmese word for noodle. Now I know there are many kinds of noodles and many ways of cooking noodles and they each have their own name, but I am not ready to learn all those names, for me to learn the word (or more accurately re-learn the word) yesterday will have to be enough for the moment.  So I wait with longing for the dawn that will come, I wait for the day when I will be ready to use the real name for thick fried rice noodles rather than generic noodle, and I wait for the day I can book my flights to the place my heart knows--and though I Long to know, I know it is not time to know when...yet.
       Other descriptors of daily life...well, location and studying are the main parts, though each day is intertwined with the surprise of the Spirit leading here or there, to this person or that place, and sometimes I pay attention and other times I don't.  That's life today.

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