For those of you who don't like
descriptions of gross things skip over this reading please! Actually
maybe you all want to skip over this one except for my sister. You
see I have been sick a bit recently;and anyone who has lived in
another country that is different than their home environment can
probably testify that on such occasions while lying in bed many crazy
thoughts come to mind. I think of my family and friends often (which
isn't so crazy), but on this particular occasion I thought of my
sister and If I was sick at her house there is a little book in her
bathroom called the “Poo Log”, and so I mainly wrote this for
her. Being sick at her place sure beats being sick far away from
home. So To my sister!
The Rainbow Log
If I had a “poo log” here
like my dear sister has,
The variety of entries would astonish.
Black and greenish; Golden and ruddy
Some are like Jackson Pollock
and others astonishingly
realistic to what I ate
—Just painted brown.
The fast and the slow
the floaters
and the sinkers
all get dropped off at the super-bowl.
Everyday a new kind
This is becoming
my new “normal”.
They say lots of experiences makes for a
good book
...I think I'm going to need a bigger journal.
Though writing this log book zaps me
of strength,
and makes me want my sister close,
to all the
Fuss and I say thus:
“I'll have the best Rainbow Log ever”
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