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Monday, July 6, 2015

More random poetic writing...

I hide so much dirt
under an exterior of beauty
It is only a fool
who would think you don't see.

Surrounding myself with lies
I have almost convinced myself
that I have no share in the blame
that I have done what you have asked.

My whole life is Yours
those words were said
Then why do i look like me
and not more like your Holiness

I have honored you with my lips
but my heart has been far from you
Yet I still sleep at night
thinking you will still give good

Holy and right are Your Ways
You cannot be mocked
Yet I have been arrogant
Half pleasing is not pleasing at all.

My vessel is stained
on the inside
I cannot hide
You see it all.

Sifting wheat in the wine press,
hiding among the luggage,
In the trees as you pass by,
In the wilderness tending sheep

You see,
past, present, Future.
You know,
the full story.

Your Way is written
The Word in completed tense
You know the Name written
In the Lamb's book of Life.

I thought I knew all this
I was taught since my youth
Yet i still was ignorant
Though no one would have known.

You know I think myself little
So i act in a Big way
Yet I am afraid and impatient
and do not obey on my own

I've needed the bridle and the whip
to keep me in line
Even donkeys and milking cows
listen better than I.

What  a fool I have been
Taking years to understand
Chewing on grass,
I am so much less than Thee.

Like a prodigal son I come
Like a king who chewed his cud
I ask not so much as to be restored
Just let me be a servant.

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