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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A bit of writing without a title...

Here is a recent bit of words written down in creative form that I wrote.  I don't know what to title it but it stems from a few images from scripture, mixed in with experiences of waiting and watching and other encounters of life in each day:

The blossom awaits deep within
Looming in the uncertainty of future
Petal after gentle petal waiting.
The succulent smell of sweet grass
confident in their roots, daring toes to wiggle
in its soft tenderness.

I have waited all winter,
Spring is near past
And the scorching heat of summer threatens
The well made plans falter--
Part of brokenness that rears its ugly head;
This is not as it should be.

Who will water my tender Love?
Who will care for each blade and courageous root?
Will all stand by and shake as a leaf in the autumn wind from fear?
Will the strength, that once was, be mocked with pride?
Will ignorance ever profit the one who turns the eye away?

Oh valiant one, I see you,
Hiding where there is no fruit,
Are you filled with stone that drags to the depth of the sea?
Oh, that you were a stone upon a stone built into an alter
Meant for the sacrifice of the sweetest sweetness to my nostrils
Or  be as clay crushed, softened, molded for good pleasure
shaped into love as I Love.

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