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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I sit in unknowing

I sit in Unknowing.
I sat down to write some of my thoughts from the past weeks, but in searching for any words the only words that come are "unknown". 

We have established a routine, part of which is studying language every morning from nine to noon. 
Yet there is an ever present feeling of unknown even in this. 
I can study all morning "Da beh lout leh?" (how much is it?) and practice my fruits and numbers;
 In the Afternoon when I go to the market to buy for dinner, it is a world of unknowing again; since the language used in the market is not the language I studied all morning.  
We meet together every Saturday as a team, opening up topics for conversation that will eventually help us solidify who we are as a team and what we are called to be, do, and live. But for now, at the end of these days, we sit with more questions than when we began..."how will all that fit together?" we hold that question openly as we end our meeting. 

We have established praying four times spaced out in each day, yet this is by far the place to gain a sense  of knowing.  There is great joy, there is silence, there is peace, and openness, but "knowing"...How is stillness and prayer, helping anything? How does my moving here to unfamiliarity draw me deeper into the way of whole life.
In all this I find unknowing is ok, and in the times of prayer and silence, I recognize an assurance of the hope, that Life will spring forth in the desert. 
so I gladly sit... 
I sit in the unknowing.

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