For Recurring donations

For Recurring Donations:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

This is an event coming up that i am really excited for. One of the Women from our team here in Vancouver (Nay Greenfield) will be sitting at the table for discussion one of the days, and i look forward to seeing this whole thing play out. especially that this art event is going to be held live on the Downtown East side (DTES) and then be live cast into the Vancouver Art Gallery--it is great creativity to do it this way because it will be messing with space and displaying the "lower society" of the DTES and their art in the public eye of the "upper Society" in the prestigious art Gallery of the town...who would in most normal cases this scene would be flipped and the Vancouver art Gallery would host.... the whole thing calls into question the status and how most society turns a blind eye to this area and these topics! (under "Websites of interest" there is a link to Gallery Gachet.)

Flesh Mapping : Vancouver Markets Pacific Women November 25th to December 10th, 2008Opening: Friday November 28th, 2008, 7:00pm-10:00pm.

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter with four artists: Haruko Okano, Bettina Matzkuhn, Susanne Rutchinski and Krista Tupper explore and reveal the demand for prostitution in Vancouver and international sex trafficking. Live feed and video connects 60 women at the Gallery Gachet installation, with 15 Pacific Rim women meeting at the Vancouver Art Gallery and 100 gathered at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch.Presented in conjunction with WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

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