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Sunday, July 27, 2008

O Baby Where art Thou?

STILL Waiting..........
The baby is still in the cooker and everyone is waiting expectantly
when my sister laughed really hard today Bill (the father to be) was ready to toss her into the car and head to the hospital.

But we are enjoying the time together until the time comes, like today Christine, Bill and i went golfing (it was the first time for Christine and i)...i have decided not to become a pro-golfer, scoring a whopping 65 on a small course with a par of 27. but it was a ton of fun.

When i visited my dad we spent a couple days lost in the world of art, imagination and spiritual talk, and then went for a leisurely day of hiking ....
...A tip (that the wise already Know); Bring WATER on a hike!
So we pick our trail and are looking for a bit of exercise and after the first half hour of going up,up, up; we come to the top of a ridge. Feeling pretty confident about picking a good trail, (Laughing off the "WARNING" sign just a few yards down the ridge) we merrily plunge down the other side, naming and singing silly songs as we go, down, down, down, down, down, down......Still going DOWN. Going down hill when you are on a loop trail means only one thing--at some point you will go back up!
On our 4 hour hike we forgot our water bottles in the car; The trail ended up being either straight up or straight down the whole way....we like to think that if we had brought water with us it would not have been hard at all...(truth is we are out of shape according to my aching calf muscles.)
It really has been a blessing being able to spend some quality time here in California with my family and sharing with them more about what lays ahead while enjoying now with them. I also have now finished reading the 3 of the books that i brought with me and now need to write some reflections on what i read for the training...i feel like i am back in school trying to decide which paper to write first...
THank you all for your prayers of safe travel and good family time.

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