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Sunday, July 27, 2008

O Baby Where art Thou?

STILL Waiting..........
The baby is still in the cooker and everyone is waiting expectantly
when my sister laughed really hard today Bill (the father to be) was ready to toss her into the car and head to the hospital.

But we are enjoying the time together until the time comes, like today Christine, Bill and i went golfing (it was the first time for Christine and i)...i have decided not to become a pro-golfer, scoring a whopping 65 on a small course with a par of 27. but it was a ton of fun.

When i visited my dad we spent a couple days lost in the world of art, imagination and spiritual talk, and then went for a leisurely day of hiking ....
...A tip (that the wise already Know); Bring WATER on a hike!
So we pick our trail and are looking for a bit of exercise and after the first half hour of going up,up, up; we come to the top of a ridge. Feeling pretty confident about picking a good trail, (Laughing off the "WARNING" sign just a few yards down the ridge) we merrily plunge down the other side, naming and singing silly songs as we go, down, down, down, down, down, down......Still going DOWN. Going down hill when you are on a loop trail means only one thing--at some point you will go back up!
On our 4 hour hike we forgot our water bottles in the car; The trail ended up being either straight up or straight down the whole way....we like to think that if we had brought water with us it would not have been hard at all...(truth is we are out of shape according to my aching calf muscles.)
It really has been a blessing being able to spend some quality time here in California with my family and sharing with them more about what lays ahead while enjoying now with them. I also have now finished reading the 3 of the books that i brought with me and now need to write some reflections on what i read for the training...i feel like i am back in school trying to decide which paper to write first...
THank you all for your prayers of safe travel and good family time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

O, Sweet Bus trips...

After starting a bus ride on Wednesday afternoon i have now arrived in Modesto California!
My sister is definitely ready to have a baby any day now, but he knew to wait until his Auntie ruth was around to appear.
I was dropped off at the bus depot in Sioux City on Wednesday in the early afternoon and bought my tickets (thanks again for the ride...and for pointing out the art center that was near by). I willingly waited the couple more hours for the bus at the Art center about a block away...i could not have wanted a better place to wait for the bus.
The bus ride was full of fascinating people (some were really hilarious). It is amazing what a few days (and for some a week) of travel can do to people. To make this shorter i will give a list of some highlights:
*a half a day of no air conditioning
*the life story of 15 people
*a bus that shuts the engine off periodically from Denver, Colorado to Salt Lake City, Utah (i lost count at 13 times) a guy with great leadership skills (though he could have lead in more positive directions) who got half the bus blaming the bus driver for the traffic and for the bus breaking down...which of course lead the way for a very sarcastic bus driver as we rode on; who would periodically throw up his hands and say "that was it, he was going to call for a new bus and driver"....and the hilarious theatrical lasted for at least 5 hours!
*A guy who can talk about his cell phone for 2 1/2 hours (really i did not know there was so much one could say about a cell phone)
*and of course the token male who wanted to impress me by crushing a can with his bear hands...
*an accident that blocked the pass we were on through the Rockies so that the bus turned around after waiting more than an hour, we took a detour that lasted 3 hours longer. As we passed by Lake Tahoe and all the resorts and golf courses there was a lot of jeering at the people who would spend time and money in such a place like that for such a cost, all the while knowing what was really meant was that each person was wishing that was them instead of the circumstances that lead them to be on that bus at that time. (my mind probably pondered this fact more deeply as i read my book that was talking, in the chapter i was on, about how the rich spend ...)

Other than that i had a lot of sleep and almost finished my book (about fifty pages short). Riding the bus was more amusing than i remembered it being. i must give Kudos to the dude that sat next to me one of the nights. He had gotten so fed up with the cramped sleeping situations in the seats he climbed up into the open overhead luggage compartments and spread out up there for more than a couple of hours...ingenious! i just wish he had woken me up so i knew i could spread out on the seats too instead of having my bag under my feet hugging the window at my side trying not to roll over on the man who was NOT beside me!

I look forward to this time with my family. Thanks for your prayers as i traveled here to California!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Departure Day

"And now, O Lord, for what do i wait?.." Psalm 39:7

Well the plan was to leave today or tomorrow...but that doesn't seem like it will be the case. The bug needs some special work before i leave so i am waiting for that to be done and then i will hit the road. i am trying to be patient as the car gets fixed and i am constantly reminded that all things happen in HIS timing--obviously not mine.
So i wait... and wait.......

Thank you to everybody that i got to know from being in Iowa; thanks for your love and friendship through the past five years. i have not left yet and i am starting to miss you all already. If the Lord wills i hope to return and visit some day.

On the home front:
My sister Christine out in California does not think that the baby will be patient and wait till the due date at the beginning of August. So i might be an auntie again before i reach California.
My mom may have found an apartment so i may be visiting her in her new home or else helping her move there.

Servants Training:
I am reading a book called "Rich Christians in an Age of Poverty". So far it has been talking about the division between poor and Rich in our world today, and then about the heart God has for the poor. Time and time again the old testament and the new testament speak of how God defends the poor and how he takes care of them and commands those who have to give to those who have not... The book is an interesting read. If you are at all interested in God's heart for the poor and want a book to read about it, this one is very good. Even when i am not reading i have been thinking about what i have read.
Also the following link is to a 30 days of prayer for Burma(Myanmar) after the Cyclone hit. It includes things to pray for the country and some history and current issues in Burma.

May the Lord Bless and keep you to day as always.

"Put on then as God's Chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and PATIENCE, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. And above all else put on LOVE which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the Peace of Christ rule in your Hearts..." Colosians 3:12-14