For Recurring donations

For Recurring Donations:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Liturgy For Welfare Week

(Based on Isaiah 57-58)
written by some friends in our neighbourhood at Jacob's Well

Eternal One,
You who live in a high and holy place,
but also with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive their hearts

We gather once again on cheque week,
lifting up our neighbours, whom we love,
as they spin through another unjust cylce of having, spending, and needing.
It is the rhythm of this place
and though we love this place, we hate this welfare rhythm.

We lament that our friends and nieghbours are given money
that helps them survive, but does not encouurage them to thrive.
We refuse to be satisfied with a system that does nothing to break the cylce of poverty.
Jesus, teach us how to loose the chains of injustice.

We grieve the fact that our friends and neighbours are given money
but dettered from offering back, earning money and serving their community with dignity.
We refuse to be satisfied with a system that entrenches their role as passive recipients.
Jesus, teach us how to break every yoke.

We are frusterated that our friends and neighbours are given money
but raely offered the opportunity for life-giving relationship
We refuse to be satisfied with a system that keeps the rich comfortably distant from the poor.
Jesus, teach us how to spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry.

We are angry that our friends and neighbours who are battling addictions
will face great temptation this week, many without support or hope of freedom.
We refuse to be satisfied with a system that enables pain-numbing, but not wound-healing.
Jesus, teach us how to satisfy the needs of the oppressed.

Jesus, for the times when we turn away from our own flesh and blood, our fellow humans,
Forgive us.
For our pointing fingers and our malicious talk,
Forgive us.
For our hunger for power and control, and our reluctance to lay it down,
Forgive us.

Yahweh says, "I have seen your ways, but I will heal you;
Peace, peacee to those far and near."

Lord, we long to be like a well-watered garden;
like a spring whose waters never fail.
We long to see yourlight break forth like the dawn;
we long for your healing to appear.
May your Kingdom come!
Amen. Come Lord Jesus, Come!