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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Conversations On Welfare Wednesday

Welfare Wednesday Alternative Space

“What is it exactly that you do? What is the purpose of this block party?” receiving this question from people that are close and people far away has brought me to write this glimpse of what today, November 23rd, a Wednesday looked like—a day that people receive their cheques, a hand out, from the government and we set up an Alternative Safe Space. These are the varieties of conversations that are had during the day.

Prayer: 24 hours of prayer, from midnight to midnight through Wednesday. As I entered the prayer space from 12-3, I waited on the Lord and thanked him for his faithfulness through our weaknesses. Asking that today would be a tool for God’s transforming work to be done. There is a liturgy that I prayed over the day, our neighbours and our societal systems that entrench places of bondage. as a gathering of many communities, it is a prayer we have prayed in unity many times on welfare Wednesday.

E******th: E******th, is a jolly friend from the neighborhood. I met her within the first few weeks, but as she says “Oh girl, I’ve always been around. Gosh I know everybody.” We sat on the couch talking about how she always gets down when someone dies, like “Grandma”. Though not related “Grandma” holds a special place in many women’s hearts here in this neighbourhood. It was the first I had heard of it so we talked about her memories and how they were holding a memorial for her out on the island and then also in the DTES.

J*****e: “Did you like the food?” She asks with a glow about her face. “Yes Friend, out of all places to get a job I am glad you chose the Mexican restaurant.” It was just that week that a couple of us from the team went down on the day the restaurant opened to support her and show our excitement for the new job. We joke around a bit, and my heart is cheered to see her so at ease. It has been several months that she has been looking for work and has been worried that without a job, finding permanent housing would be a problem. We also chat about “grandma” and then she says she has signed up for the free shuttle to the store to do some bulk shopping for the month, and it is time to go.

S***h: I have been journeying with S***h for about 7months, and hadn’t seen her for a few weeks, so I had been happy that she came looking for me at the Alternative space. Yet as we talked my heart grew heavy at all the challenges there are to “getting life back on track”. As she cried on my shoulder I prayed for wisdom to know how to respond to such grief. “I feel like there is a brick wall blocking me from my children and I don’t see the end to it. It is hard to stay on this path. How come those that don’t care for their children, and those that abuse my children the system allows for them to keep and have custody over the children, and though I am there mother, and though I confess the truth that in the past I have made some wrong decisions, their money and lies get them what they want and my hard journey to get clean and sober and straighten my life gives me pain? What that says to me is that those who choose to be selfish, and those that choose to do drugs and drink, that they get it all, and I get nothing. Ruth it’s just not right. The system is corrupt, and I am the one that suffers. All I want to do is make a good home with my two youngest boys who need love and care. I don’t care about the money or any of that I just want my kids to not have to suffer abuse anymore. Why do they have to suffer because of someone else’s problem. They are not letting me even have visits which I am entitled to, and have cut off communication. It’s just not right.” In this lamentation she also tells about a couple positives. It is a good thing that she graduates from her program on Dec.8, and a good thing that she starts school again in January. “I am determined this is the path I want but so many things are out of my control and I worry about them.” One other of these things is that she is still waiting on BC housing for an opening (because she is single with no children living with her, she is low on the priority and the list is long, but in order to even think about getting her kids back she needs stable housing.)

Chatting as we get coffee:

*“How are you today?” response, “Really struggling, I know I would be out there if it wasn’t for this place.

*“Is today the day you get a cheque?” “No I get mine on Monday from ----, It’s still good to get off the fast track for a bit. It can get kinda crazy.”

*“Wow this is real coffee. I could make five of my cups from just one of these” he said pointing to his freshly brewed coffee.

A***l: “Though I have other vices, I gave up my cocaine for my cats; my cats come first…” Just to quote one of her insights into her life. Though there may be a lot of brokenness in this world, Angel was a face of God’s generosity, thoughtfulness, and encouragement swirled up with chaos and spontaneous behaviors and expletives. She bought at least 7burgers for others, and stood and talked with me for half an hour as I fixed burgers.

Rockin’ Ronny: Celebrated one year clean and sober with us at the Alternative Space. Full of praise and thankfulness, he came down to hang with us all saying he couldn’t think of a place he’d rather be than to “laugh and praise God with brothers and sisters”.

Congratulations to you Ronny for a making it through a whole year. Way to stick it out!

May the Lord keep you and guide you in this next year.

Swallow: An older Chinese woman came up to C***s who was playing guitar, shyly asking can I sing a song? When he said yes her face lit up. “I see skies are blue and red roses to …I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do…” It was the first time I have ever heard that song done inn the Chinese Opera style. At the end we all clapped and she beamed with joy saying “I just learned that song yesterday! I Love it, I love it! I learn two. I sing second, yes?” For the next few minutes there was a confusing version of “er be home for Christmas, if onry in my dreams…” and that I loved.

I took a walk half way through the day: There is a time and a need to pause and gain again perspective on what God is doing in the day. I walked out with my mind full of many conversations, sights and smells of brokenness. The sun was shining for the first time in several days, so I headed to crab park that boarders the water by one of the shipping yards. “God I need your eyes to see this day. I see death and destruction, hurting and spiritually hungry people that are self medicating. Open my eyes again to your hope that hovers over chaos. God come with your kingdom here in this time and place.” I sat in the sun by the water praying. “Praise Me.” Ok. “You’ve broken down the barrier walls, and abolished our hate, All things reconciled…strangers no longer now but brothers and sisters; we believe Lord and we await; all things reconciled by the blood of Jesus, all things Reconciled by the cross of Christ. Making Peace, Making Peace…” A song of hope that we sing here in this community, lead to other songs. I sat singing my heart out for a while “ For the hungry, for the broken we cry out for your mercy…” by the time I left I felt like dancing, and that is what I did for the next four blocks back to the Alternative space; I stomped and clapped and sang out “Children walk in the Power. Children Walk in the Power. Walk in the power, children, Walk in the power, walk in the power, walk in the power Children…” For we, in this present darkness, hold the power of change within these earthen vessels—our very own bodies; a mix of holy and dirt. Come Lord. Let your spirit move in power. Empower Your children to walk in Your life. Come Holy Spirit, Come.